in the beginning / al principio


For my EDTC 300 learning project assignment, I have decided to learn Spanish.

Learning this language is very important to me because it is the first language of my boyfriend. My boyfriend, Jose Miguel and I have been together for almost four years and I have been fortunate that he is fluent in English. Over our time together he has taught me some basic words and phrases in Spanish, but I do not use them nor do I practice very often. My understanding of Spanish has increased a but more than my ability to speak the language by listening to him converse with others. But when him and I talk and text, we default to English.


This summer however, we are traveling to Spain and will be spending three weeks  with his family, all of whom speak Spanish. This will be the first time I will be meeting them in person and I would love to be able to communicate with them in their native language!


  • a few greetings
  • the alphabet
  • counting from 1-20
  • some household objects/furniture
  • some food
  • a few verbs (to sit, to pass, to go, etc.)


  • daily use of the language app Duolingo
  • YouTube videos to target specific goals (ie. colours)
  • download and listen to podcasts while in the car
  • Twitter to network and connect to others about learning a new language
  • my boyfriend as a face-to-face resource
  • weekly blogging about my progress

Adios until next post!

2 thoughts on “in the beginning / al principio

  1. You have such a great and well thought out plan here! I have no doubt that you will do great, as well having your boyfriend there to support you and keep you accountable will definitely be a great motivator!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You have a great plan! I took Cree as a second language last semester and although it was challenging, I enjoyed the experience! I am interested to see how well you are able to find online resources online to aid you! I wish you the best of luck!

    Liked by 1 person

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